Understanding the Difference Between Facebook Boosted Posts and Facebook Ads

In the realm of social media marketing, Facebook remains one of the most potent platforms for businesses to connect with their target audience. Two common tools that businesses use on Facebook are boosted posts and Facebook Ads. While they may seem similar at first glance, they serve distinct purposes and offer different benefits. In this article, we’ll delve into the key differences between Facebook boosted posts and Facebook Ads.

Facebook Boosted Posts

Definition: A boosted post is a feature that allows you to promote an existing organic Facebook post to a wider audience. This means that you take a post you’ve already shared on your Facebook Page’s timeline and pay to have it shown to more people.

1. Ease of Use: Boosting a post is straightforward and doesn’t require much technical expertise. You simply select the post you want to promote, set your target audience, budget, and duration, and Facebook takes care of the rest.

2. Audience Targeting: While boosted posts do offer some basic targeting options, they are relatively limited compared to Facebook Ads. You can target by location, age, gender, and interests, but you can’t create highly specific audience segments.

3. Goals: Boosted posts are best suited for increasing the reach and engagement of your content. They can help you get more likes, comments, and shares on a particular post, thereby increasing its visibility.

4. Ad Placement: With boosted posts, Facebook determines where your ad is shown. It can appear in the News Feed, Instagram, Facebook Audience Network, or even in the right column on desktop.

Facebook Ads

Definition: Facebook Ads, on the other hand, are a more robust and versatile advertising platform. They allow you to create custom advertisements from scratch and provide extensive targeting options.

1. Customization: With Facebook Ads, you have complete control over the creative elements of your ad, including text, images, and call-to-action buttons. This enables you to create highly tailored and eye-catching ads.

2. Advanced Targeting: Facebook Ads offer advanced targeting capabilities. You can create custom audiences based on factors like behavior, demographics, interests, and even website activity. This precision ensures your ad reaches the most relevant users.

3. Ad Formats: Unlike boosted posts, Facebook Ads offer various ad formats, such as carousel ads, video ads, lead generation ads, and more. This flexibility allows you to choose the format that best suits your campaign goals.

4. Campaign Objectives: Facebook Ads support a wide range of campaign objectives, including website traffic, app installs, lead generation, and sales conversions. You can optimize your campaigns for specific goals.

5. Ad Placements: You have more control over where your Facebook Ads appear. You can choose to display them in the News Feed, Stories, Instagram, Audience Network, and other placements, or you can let Facebook optimize placement for you.

Budget Considerations

While both boosted posts and Facebook Ads require a budget, Facebook Ads often offer better ROI due to their advanced targeting and customization options. Boosted posts are useful for quick engagement and visibility but may not be as cost-effective for achieving specific business objectives.


In summary, Facebook boosted posts are a simple way to increase the visibility and engagement of your existing content, making them ideal for small businesses or those looking for a quick boost in engagement to gain further brand recognition. On the other hand, Facebook Ads provide a more comprehensive advertising platform with advanced customization, targeting, and campaign objectives, making them suitable for businesses seeking specific results and a higher level of control in their ad campaigns.

The choice between boosted posts and Facebook Ads depends on your marketing goals and budget. For a more strategic and tailored approach to advertising, Facebook Ads are often the preferred choice, while boosted posts can complement your organic content strategy.

Understanding the differences between these two options will help you make informed decisions when planning your next Facebook marketing campaign.